Provide any other hardware needed to replicate the issue. LFP = Local Flat Panel (Laptop panel)ĮFP = External Flat Panel (Monitor you plug in) How much memory in the system ( see note2 below). Ie Does it have AMD or NV graphics too? Make and model of any Displays that are used to see the issue (see note2 below). Very Sporadic ( Hardware (HW)Brand and Model of the system. (Ex: 'Every few times a game is started it flickers.' Always (100%): Since you already tried the latest driver version and a BIOS update, now, we will try to replicate the issue, for that we just need some details about your system configuration:Ĭategory Questions Answers (N/A if not applicable) DescriptionProvide a detailed description of the issue Please place an X to the right of the option showing how often you see this issue using specific steps. Thank you very much for that information.